Me Time

After a wonderful date night with my gorgeous hubby I realised it is time to move on to the next chapter in my life. In 2011 I had a mission to lose weight and the best way I found to stay accountable was through the connections I made online, mostly through the Michelle Bridges 12 Week Body Transformation. Some pretty amazing people can be found floating around in cyberspace and I had an absolute ball “meeting” and sharing my journey with them all. But if you aren’t careful, it is quite easy to let the family you find online start to creep into your everyday life until your everyday life involves a large chunk of time disappearing. This can especially be said for me. In the two rounds of 12wbt I had managed to make connections with a lot of people and keeping up with 3 weightloss facebook groups, a twitter account and a blog was proving to be very demanding.

I would try to sit back and not be so involved, but I have the technology in my life that means I can always take “just a quick look” and BAM another hour of my life has vanished. I won’t disqualify the time I spent getting to know the wonderful Huggies Mums, or any of the other friends I made during my weightloss journey, but finding the balance between achieving my goals and living my best life – and sharing my results and experiences – was difficult. I would get frustrated when someone just didn’t get it, but then get angrier at myself for judging. I’d offer my support and advice, but at the expense of valuable family, training, sleep or work time. My house was starting to become unorganised as I tried to juggle too much at once and something had to give.

I feel selfish in a way to think that its the stories of success that helped to push me to achieve more than I ever anticipated. I feel that it is now my time to share and nourish and help others grow into the best versions of themselves that they can be. But I also think that it is far more important that I do what is best for me, so that I can live out my amazing new life. I also think that I am not an expert and there are plenty of people who have achieved all that I have and more – the supply of “inspiring” people is ever changing, so I’m not actually letting anyone down.

Another issue that I have been facing is my ego. I’m a very confident person and will tell anybody who will listen of my successes. I get a real kick out of hearing the praise and acknowledgement that comes with said success. But after two rounds of ego rubbing and applause its time to step away from the fanfare and get back to reality. Sure I lost weight and sure I worked hard to do it – but that doesn’t make me a hero or a celebrity and its time to return to some normality (in fact I might go have lunch with my brother – he always brings me back down to earth)!

So its time for some “me time” – its my turn to focus on myself, my family and my wonderful life. I’m tossing up the idea of keeping my blog and limiting my time spent on here, but for now I’m saying goodbye. May your dreams, whatever they are, be forthcoming and your life be forever healthy and fun!

Lizzy xx

3 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. rockafellaskank
    Jan 13, 2012 @ 01:01:31

    Lizzy… you know that I COMPLETELY understand where you are coming from with this. The 12WBT world can be addictive and overpowering… or perhaps it’s the dieting and exercise world. Not sure.

    I’m trying to minimise my time on Twitter as well because, you’re right. You get sucked in. I’m focussing my time on blogging and writing at the moment because it’s my passion – along with the rest of my life.

    Keep in touch whatever you decide! And congratulations on all you’ve achieved. (I’m picturing you standing there donning your coat and hat – like Humphrey Bogart or someone – and saying ‘My job here… is done!’)



  2. shehascuteshoes
    Jan 15, 2012 @ 11:55:27

    I noticed a lack of sparkle to my twitter feed and went looking for you today only to realise you had departed. ๐Ÿ˜ฅ

    I totally get how much time all this sucks up and how distorted and unbalanced one’s ‘real life’ as opposed to their ’12wbt online life’ can get too. You have been inspiring for more than just the weight loss stuff. Your encouragement and generous support to others stood out to me before I even saw your results. But hey, your real life world deserves your time and attention too. ๐Ÿ™‚

    That said, I’m going to miss your tweets Miss Lizzy. Selfishly I hope you keep up with your blog. I’ve enjoyed reading it. ๐Ÿ™‚

    If we never tweet again we will always have the photo of our shoes. Lol. ๐Ÿ™‚



  3. Mandy Rebbeck
    Jan 19, 2012 @ 06:13:05

    Thanks Thin Lizzy xxxx


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